Fact-Checking Policy – filmigalaxy.com

a) Filmi Galaxy is dedicated to publishing accurate information as much as possible throughout all of its material. We take several actions to guarantee accuracy: We analyze statements with a critical eye, challenge assumptions, and challenge received knowledge.

b) We pledge to ensure that every output is accurate to the required degree. This dedication is essential to maintaining our brand and audiences’ trust. The word “due” means that the accuracy must be sufficient and appropriate for the output, taking into account the nature of the topic and material, and indicating or stressing any limits that may have an impact on those standards.

c) All of our output, according to its content and nature, needs to be properly sourced, supported by evidence and cross-checked. We make an effort to avoid irrational assumptions and to be truthful and open about what we don’t know.

d) Our journalists never purposefully steal content or intentionally misrepresent context or facts, especially visual data.

a) To verify claims, information, and allegations—especially those made by public officials or anyone with a purpose other than reporting the facts—we look for independent verification from sources. Credit is typically granted to statements, claims, noteworthy facts, and other unverifiable stuff.

f) Filmi Galaxy believes the material it posts to be truthful and stands by it. We promptly update the news item/information if found incorrect. We don’t purposefully or significantly mislead our audiences. We don’t twist the truth. may misrepresent made-up information as reality, which could erode our readers’ faith in our work. Serious factual errors are acknowledged, and they are promptly, explicitly, and appropriately corrected.

g) Every web story we publish includes a “Suggest A Correction” section, which gives the public a fair chance to address any mistakes or errors in our reporting.

h) Our journalists’ primary responsibilities include fact-checking, narrative writing, and story reporting. One or more editors may examine a story before publication. A multi-level fact-checking system is available in The Filmi Galaxy for stories that demand careful investigation. A story’s seniority among editors who evaluate it before it is published depends on several variables, such as the story’s intricacy, sensitivity, and deadline pressure.

Our Correction Policies

Even though filmigalaxy.com works hard to maintain accuracy and quality, we can’t help but occasionally make mistakes. When these mistakes are made, filmigalaxy.com will be accountable for fixing them and upholding a strict code of transparency to guarantee that everyone is certain that the false information does not go out.

The actions that each party must do to fulfil the objectives of quality, accuracy, and transparency are as follows:

READERS: Emilee Wentland, the editor-in-chief, should be contacted right away by phone, email, mail, or in person if a reader notices a mistake.

Email: filmigalaxyofficial@gmail.com

Sub: Correction Required

A correction cannot be formally filed unless the reader gets in touch with the chief editor. Other filmigalaxy.com staff members might not respond to corrections you provide them right away or at all.

Corrections sent via mail or email should contain the following information: the correction, the issue date or number, the reader’s name, the location of the correction (print, online, etc.), and an email address or phone number where they may be reached. 

Readers should also provide accurate information and, if applicable, a source for the material they found. For instance, if the total of votes cast in the Student Assembly was off, kindly submit the meeting’s minutes.

The editor-in-chief will respond to the reader and may get in touch with them again if additional information is needed or if clarification is observed. Please be aware that submitting a correction does not ensure that a correction will be provided; rather, it guarantees that the error will be looked into.

The filmigalaxy.com

The editor-in-chief will investigate any inaccuracies brought to their attention by consulting the reader’s information, meeting minutes, reporter recordings, and any other available sources of information.

If an error is discovered, the chief editor will rectify the information in all forms where it was wrongly distributed.


The next issue to be issued will have corrections printed on page 2A. Together with the adjustment, the issue, article, and inaccurate information will be noted.


The article will be updated with the corrections, and a note from the editor at the bottom describing the changes will be added, indicating what was wrong and when.


A post mentioning the correction and providing a link to the updated version will be published if the story is shared on Facebook, Twitter, or any other website under the control of The filmigalaxy.com

The editor-in-chief will get in touch with the reader who submitted the correction as soon as the issue has been fixed, explaining the measures that were taken to fix it.